The Arlington Fire District is a New York State Department of Health certified Emergency Medical Service providing advanced paramedic level care throughout our community in the Town of Poughkeepsie. Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics respond to emergencies from each of our stations throughout the District 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Typically, our providers respond on Fire Engines certified by the NYS DOH Bureau of EMS, providing high-quality professional paramedic level care within minutes. Our personnel respond to an increasing number of alarms each year, while resourcefully and economically managing the mix of Fire and EMS services necessary to meet the complexity of today’s emergencies. This response model also provides paramedic level care at every fire and rescue emergency we respond to including structure fires, water rescues, building collapses, trench rescues, and high-angle rope rescues and motor vehicle accidents.

The District currently contracts with Empress Ambulance Service, Inc., a NYS Certified paramedic level commercial ambulance service provider, to manage the transportation of patients to our local hospitals, Vassar Brothers Medical Center (Nuvance) or Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital of Westchester Medical Center.

Additionally, District personnel are involved in community outreach programs that promote prevention, public health, safety, education, and development; and with local, county, regional, and state committees and organizations integrating an interdependent public safety net of the future.


File of Life

File of Life - clickable link to pdfThe “File-of-Life®” provides a way to give first responders necessary information during a medical emergency, especially when those in need of help cannot provide such information themselves. The “File of Life®” is a miniature medical history that is kept in a red plastic sleeve with a magnetic strip. Individuals complete the history card and place it the sleeve, then place the magnetic sleeve on the outside of the refrigerator in a visible place. The “File of Life®” details a person’s name, current and past medical history, medications, allergies, doctor’s name and phone number and emergency medical contacts. The sleeves can be replaced when information changes or needs to be updated. The Arlington Fire District provides the “File of Life®” for the safety of the community.
To update your medical information click on the image above to download a new medical information sheet. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us by phone (845) 486-6307, email or by File-of-Life.